遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA






发展的启发, sophisticated readers and 作家 is at the heart of the Upper Elementary literacy program. 是否与同龄人一起参加读书讨论, 参与发人深省的辩论, 或者分享研究成果和专家观点, students learn to apply literacy skills in meaningful ways.

Using a workshop approach to literacy instruction, our teachers and two literacy specialists foster a community of actively engaged and strategic readers, 作家, 听众, 和扬声器. 学生 are inspired to embrace a variety of texts to make connections to their world and beyond. We strive to build exemplary classrooms that are brimming with active learners, guiding children to become not just proficient but expert independent readers and 作家.

Through our Upper Elementary literacy program, students:

  • Gain a positive literacy disposition and love of reading and writing
  • Increase reading stamina and self-selection of appropriate books
  • Engage in advanced word work and vocabulary development
  • 熟练掌握越来越复杂的文本
  • Develop higher-level comprehension skills and strategies
  • 磨练写作过程,写关于阅读的文章



    从三年级到五年级, students move from conceptual understandings to mastery of specific math skills, and then are challenged to connect this knowledge to relevant experiences in their world. 在这些年里, 代数, 几何, 数据分析, and measurement standards are studied and absorbed through a wide range of visual, 互动, 以及数字体验.

    使用Pearson的enVision Math 2的框架.和我们的全职数学专家, 我们最大限度地提高学生在我们的小学习, skills-based groups that provide a balance of support and challenge for all learners. Our coding curriculum is integrated into 较低的学校 math classes, helping students gain fluency in the language of computer science and proficiency as participants and creators in the digital community.

    Our upper elementary math goals include mastery of:

    • 整数的乘法和除法
    • 多步骤解决问题
    • 几何形状及其性质
    • 小数和分数的运算
    • 米制和习惯测量



    The vwin德赢娱乐 Social Studies program enables students to become knowledgeable participants in their world, as well as aware and appreciative of diverse cultures and viewpoints. They learn how histories and national identities are shared through music, 跳舞, and traditional storytelling; participate in the processes that formed the foundations of our country; and develop research skills through identifying reliable sources and considering a variety of perspectives.

    A critical part of the program is helping students understand their role in today's society and the difference they can make. Our curriculum and 社区服务 Organization encourage students to apply problem-solving techniques, 以及他们的时间和才能, to both historic and current issues to make meaningful contributions in their community and around the world.

    Our Social Studies program includes the study of:

    • 文化和文化多样性
    • 过去和它的遗产
    • 人、地点和环境
    • 个人发展与认同
    • Interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions
    • How people create interact with and change structures of power, authority, and governance
    • How people manage the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
    • Relationships among science, technology, and society
    • 全球联系和相互依存
    • The ideals, principles, and practices of citizenship in a democratic republic